The Barnes site was a small Paleo-indian site located in southern Midland County, Michigan. The site was discovered and surface collected starting in the 1950's by the late Mr. Wallace (Wally) Hill of Midland County. In 1966, Henry Wright and William Roosa published a description and analysis of Mr. Hill's collection in American Antiquity (Wright and Roosa 1966). In 1974, Central Michigan University held a field school at the site under the direction of the late Dr. Jerome (Jerry) Voss in which 256 m2 were excavated. The material from this excavation was published by Dr. Voss in the Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology in 1977 (Voss 1977). The collections from the Barnes site are curated by Chippewa Nature Center. In the 1970's, Mr. Hill graciously donated his collection from this important site to Chippewa Nature Center with the understanding that the collection would remain in Midland County where it would be available to researchers and for viewing by the public. Several of the Barnes site artifacts are on display at Chippewa Nature Center and almost all of the diagnostic artifacts (with the exception of a few small fragments) can be viewed on this page. Dr. Henry Wright of the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology has redrawn all of the artifacts and he is currently completing a reanalysis of the site.
The Barnes site was probably a small hunting camp where spears were refurbished. The site measured only about 12 to 15 meters in diameter. The site was located on a beach ridge of an early lake that was located along the front of melting glacial ice ("proglacial Lake Warren"). The artifacts from the site are a type that dates about 12,500 years ago.
Wright, Henry T. and William B. Roosa. "The Barnes Site: A Fluted Point Assemblage from the Great Lakes Region." American Antiquity 31 (1966), pages 850-860.
Voss, Jerome A. "The Barnes Site: Functional and Stylistic Variability in a Small Paleo-indian Assemblage. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 2 (1977), pages 253-305.
Barnes Site Fluted Point #4369. Patinated Bayport Chert.
#4368 Not in Wright and Roosa 1966. Bayport chert (cortex, patinated).
#4369 Wright and Roosa 1966:854. Drawing - Figure 3c. Metrics - Table 2 #15. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4370 Wright and Roosa 1966:854. Drawing - Figure 3b. Metrics - Table 2 #14. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4371 Wright and Roosa 1966:856. Drawing - Figure 4c. Metrics - Table 2 #22. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4372 Wright and Roosa 1966. Drawing - Figure 3d. Metrics - Table 2 #16. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4373 Wright and Roosa 1966:854. Drawing - Figure 2e. Metrics - Table 2 #11. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4374-4375 Wright and Roosa 1966:856. Drawing - Figure 4b. Metrics - Table 2 #21. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4376 Wright and Roosa 1966:855. Drawing - Figure 3g. Metrics - Table 2 #19. Bayport Chert variant (patinated).
#4377 Wright and Roosa 1966:856. Drawing - Figure 4d. Metrics - Table 2 #23. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4378 Wright and Roosa 1966:854. Drawing - Figure 2b. Metrics - Table 2 #8. Bayport Chert.
#4379 Wright and Roosa 1966:856. Drawing - Figure 5a. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4380 Wright and Roosa 1966:854. Drawing - Figure 2d. Metrics - Table2 #10. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4381 Wright and Roosa 1966. Drawing - Figure 3f. Metrics - Table 2 #18. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4382 Wright and Roosa 1966:855. Drawing - Figure 4f. Bayport Chert.
#4383 Wright and Roosa 1966:855. Drawing - Figure 4e. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4384 Wright and Roosa 1966:854. Drawing - Figure 2c. Metrics - Table 2 #9. Bayport Chert.
#4398 Wright and Roosa 1966. Drawing - Figure 3e. Metrics - Table 2 #17. Bayport Chert (heat modified).
#5318 Voss 1977:257-258. Drawing - Figure 4c. Metrics - Table 1 #3. Bayport Chert.
#5322 Voss 1977:257-258. Not illustrated or measured. Bayport Chert.
#5323 Voss 1977:257-258. Not illustrated or measured. Bayport Chert.
#5342 Voss 1977:257-258. Drawing - Figure 4b. Metrics - Table 1 #2. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#5346 Voss 1977:257-258. Drawing - Figure 4a. Metrics - Table 1 #1.
The photos in the section below illustrate several of the "channel" or "fluting" flakes from the Barnes site. These flakes are the by-product of the fluting process and are a diagnostic artifact of the Paleoindian period.
#4400-820. Bayport Chert.
#4400a. Bayport chert (patinated).
#4400b. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400c. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400d. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400e. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400f. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400g. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400h. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400j. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400k. Bayport Chert.
#4400l. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#4400m. Bayport Chert. Striking platform at proximal end (lower end in photo).
#5320. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#5322. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#5324. Bayport Chert
#5327. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#5338. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#5341. Bayport Chert (patinated).
#5345. Bayport Chert.